Monday, July 19, 2010

"Artist Spotlight": It Started with a Logo

Over the past several months we have received feedback from artists, graphic designers, musicians and a movie producer, saying that after reading The Conjure Man, they felt inspired to create a piece of artwork to showcase their experience with the novel. In return, River Boat Books wanted to host an Artist Spotlight each week to share with everyone the wonderful people we have met. And yes of course, their beautiful artwork. I hope that everyone reading this takes a look at all of the artist websites, it is well worth it.

The first "Artist Spotlight" is on a graphic designer, Cara Miller, who has created the "A Book Read Around the World" logo you see at the top of this blog. She is tremendously talented and a lot of fun to work with. Cara came on-board the journey when Peter Bellis and I were discussing names for the campaign that would launch The Conjure Man. After just two emails describing what type of logo we were looking for, Cara Miller produced us the finalized logo. Here is a little more about Cara Miller!

1. How long have you been involved with graphic design/what got you involved?

I've always known that I wanted to do something with art, but it wasn't until high school that I narrowed it down to graphic design. There was just something about the process that came naturally to me. The experience that started it all was when my best friend showed me the first version of Paint Shop Pro. I was in love. She could make the most beautiful images and all I could think was that I wanted to do that too. So I took multiple design classes at my high school and quickly developed a passion for art and design. I now have 6 years of graphic design experience and will be graduating with BFA in Visual Communications and Graphic Design from the University of Dayton in May 2011.

2. Why did you want to participate with The Conjure Man book tour?

I wanted to participate in The Conjure Man book tour because I felt that it was a great opportunity for me to try something new, build my portfolio, and meet new people. Also, from what I've read so far, Peter Damien Bellis did a wonderful job writing "The Conjure Man" and I wanted to give him a logo that he could be proud of and that would raise awareness of his fantastic book.
More Artwork from Cara Miller!

Email Cara -
Visit her Website- HERE

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